Using Claim Tags allow you to keep your different stations organized and able to focus on their part of an order.
How To Set Up Claim Tags
You can enable this option on the Store Overview page in the Dashboard under the KDS tab.
How to Use Claim Tags
To use your Claim tags, go into the KDS screen of your POS (Tap the 3 lines in the top left corner, tap Kitchen then tap KDS), then tap the Select Claim Tag near the top left of the screen.
This will bring up a screen that asks you to designate this KDS as a station from 1 to 7. Once you make your choice and tap Done, you will see that the Select Claim Tag text has been replaced with an Icon that shows which station you chose.
You are able to change your station at any time by tapping the station icon and picking a new station number.
How Do Claim Tags Work?
Claim tags will add an icon with your station's number onto any product you tap on the KDS screen, which claims it for your station.
This icon means that only the station that claimed that product can mark it as complete, which prevents employees at other stations from accidentally marking your product as complete before it's ready.