What's New?

Discount batches allow you to generate a list of 10 character coupon codes that you can distribute to customers. 

How do I distribute these codes to customers?

These codes are not distributed to customers through the Crisp system. If you would like to distribute coupons to customers with your mobile app check out our blast campaigns.

The codes generated in discount batches are meant to be distributed outside of Crisp, through printed promotional material, text messages, or other means. 

How do customers redeem these coupons?
Customers can redeem these codes through any of your Crisp sales channels (Point of Sale, Online Ordering, and Mobile App). The video below will walk you through the customer experience for each of these channels:

How do I track usage?

You can track usage of these coupons through both the discount batches page and through your regular reporting (the discounts report will give you the most detail on this usage).

How long does usage take to update?

This can depend, but usage should update a few minutes after a coupon has been redeemed from the POS or Online Ordering.

After creating a campaign, how long until it works?

The campaign will be active and ready to go as soon as a code batch has been created.