Payments made with credit cards are securely passed through Adyen and paid out to your bank account on a schedule. You can review the deposit schedule here.
Once deposits have been made to your account you can review them by going to Data Center > Reports and selecting Deposits from the report type dropdown.
select Deposits from the dropdown list on the reports page
You can further filter by specific stores and date ranges. Do keep in mind that deposit records will only show once they have posted to your bank account.
You can click on a deposit record and it will expand to show you additional details
Post-Monthly vs Net Settlement
All credit card payments are subject to merchant processing fees. You can learn more about fees and interchange here.
The two methods for having these fees collected are:
Post-monthly: In this case the total amount of merchant processing fees is billed on one invoice at the beginning of the next month. So all of your merchant processing fees for the month of January are billed to you at the beginning of February.
So if you collect $100 in payments, you receive $100 in deposits. The merchant processing fees of $3 (for example) are then billed to you at a later date.
Net-settlement: In this case, the merchant processing fee of $3 is deducted from the payment before it is deposited into your bank account. You are not billed at a later date for these fees.
As of January 1, 2025 all new merchant accounts use net-settlement. All existing accounts will be switched to net-settlement by July 1, 2025 This will not change the total amount you pay in merchant processing fees.
Watch the video below to learn more about the differences between the two fee collection methods, and how to understand these deposit reports.