iOS (Apple) Updates and Download

Go to the Home Screen on your iPad and open the 'App Store'

Search "Crisp POS" in the search bar and press "get".

Select the 'Updates' tab. Search 'Crisp POS' and our logo will appear with an 'Update' button.

Note: If you are already on the most recent version, the update button will instead read 'OPEN'


Users on iOS13.0 and higher can set up auto-updates!
Turning on auto-updates will allow your Apple devices to automatically download the newest versions of the POS app when they are made available.
Please note that Android devices will still need to be manually updated.

Once the new version is finished installing, simply open up the Crisp App and enjoy!

Android Download and Updates

  1. Press the white icon with 6 dots at the bottom of your screen. You will be taken to a screen with all of your apps.
  2. In the Google Chrome app, go to the URL
  3. Select the version to download (please contact Crisp to know what version you should be downloading!)
  4. Follow the prompts to install